Examples Of Crystal Pairing


I'm going to go ahead and give you guys some examples of some crystal pairings that i've done personally that i really enjoy, and just some ideas that you can kind of incorporate in your daily life as well. 

Amethyst And Howlite 

The first crystal pairing i'm going to be sharing with you guys is amethyst and howlite together. these two pair wonderful for night time, i don't know about you guys but i have trouble falling asleep at night, i personally always have my amethyst next to me when i sleep. i've had this next to me when i sleep for the last three years, and i love it that's like a hack on its own. 

But recently in the last six months, i found out about the properties of howlite from gems and crystal shops near me and how it really helps with insomnia, and just calming you before you go to sleep. so i kind of did some research and i kind of realized both of these guys have such strong energy with tranquility and just calming in general. so what i did is i paired these two together on my nightstand, and i have been able to fall asleep so much faster. 

Now i can say like it used to take me honestly like two or three hours to fall asleep, i would just be staring at the ceiling and now at the most it takes me like an hour. 45 minutes to an hour i'm asleep, now ever since i kind of combined it these guys next to each other next to me when i'm sleeping. so you should definitely try that if you have problems falling asleep at night. 

Malachite And Rose Quartz

broken image

This next crystal pairing is actually aimed towards a certain chakra, you can do this with any chakra as long as those crystals are part of the same shocker family. malachite and rose quartz are known to really open up the heart and work so well with your heart chakra, if you are trying to mend a broken heart or release any resentment or let go of anger, working with your heart chakra is really helpful in that entire process. i'm actually going to be talking about this in next week's post. so stay tuned for that one. And I really love crystal bead bracelets.

Malachite And Super 7 Crystal 

Speaking of malachite, another crystal pairing that i really love that i'm actually pairing right now is malachi in super 7 crystal. these two combined together is all about like bravery leadership and just having that really courageous energy. i really like this experimenting that i'm doing right now. i really vibe with these two together and part of the reason. why these guys are so wonderful together is that they both have the same kind of structure. I love super 7 crystal properties, they both have this banding on them, which is pretty cool and they're both part of that solar plexus chakra. so this is kind of like a way to find similar aspects in two crystals, and you can just visually see how they pair well together. 

Citrine And Pyrite 

The next crystal pairing i'm going to bring up is something that i actually shared with you guys. the famous pairing of citrine and pyrite. i personally think these two are such a good pairing, they both have such great high energy and like i talked, combining pyrite and citrine helps your manifestations happen a lot faster, but mainly it helps you manifest money really fast. how interesting is that i found out about this like hack this combination, i should say about two and a half to three years ago, and i remember i was working nine to five at my job, wherever i was working at that time, and i opened up a poshmark on my phone, because i wanted to make some extra income and around that time, when i was doing my poshmark, i found out about this pairing and how it helps you manifest money fast. 

So i did it. i paired them together and all of a sudden like within two weeks on my poshmark, i sell like 80 or 90 and that was a lot for me at the time. and i was like blown away, i couldn't believe it was very random, and i was like, oh my gosh i just got like almost 100 extra, that is so crazy. so i've definitely experienced money coming fast and also manifestations when i have a certain manifestation, i'll pair these two together, and it just happens a lot faster. it's crazy, also just to note i know some of you guys out there personally like to use the natural cystine rather than the heat treated citrine, and i just want to say for this pairing when you're pairing citrine and pyrite, you can use either one, you can use the heat treated one or the natural one. they're both gonna work the same already. Examples Of Crystal Pairing